Sunday, May 4, 2008

Cookie Tunes

I experimented with a recipe today for chewy chocolate chip cookies. They turned out yummy... crispy on the outside, chewy on the inside. Sinful.

On an unrelated note, sharing one of my fave PlayRadioPlay!'s videos;

Love the song, and the video's just too cute.

On yet another unrelated note, Eema, Feruz and Izyan bought me a tank top with this design courtesy of Munkao as a belated birthday present. I love!

Soundtrack: Envy - Thousand Scars
Mood: Satisfied
Location: Hoxe's Cafe
Random thought: So much work to do, no mood at all to do it.


Emilly Dolly said...

i want one cookie but for free lah!

Anonymous said...

*le sigh* Munkao *le sigh*