Thursday, March 26, 2009

Cross-posted from my Tumblr

Kysern: from one of the pic captions:"The Altered Frequency band rocking on stage at Fly FM’s Campur Chart Goes Live In Support of Earth Hour 2009."
Kysern: that's one of my pet peeves "The AF BAND"
Kysern: it's like, it's just AF lah
Kysern: u dun say "the U2 BAND" or the "search BAND" or the "beatles BAND"
Kysern: idiots. and it's not just one writer
Kysern: it's like..... a whole bunch of them
Kysern: read so many writeups redy
Kysern: all also like that
Kysern: stupid
FizzyFizah: quite true
FizzyFizah: i wonder if it's the writers thinking they have to explain to an ignorant audience
or if they themselves are the ignorant ones hahaha
FizzyFizah: "let's go watch the Simple Plan band tonight!"
FizzyFizah: I'm a big fan of the Paramore band!
FizzyFizah: ahahaha
FizzyFizah: if you name your band The Band
FizzyFizah: it will be "The The Band band rocking on stage at Fly FM's campur chart"

Soundtrack: Jukebox The Ghost - Good Day
Mood: Neutral
Location: Living room, Shah Alam home
Random thought: Charades or a singalong?

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Update you long time


I know, I've been bad. I have left this blog of mine, abandoned, alone, un-logged-in, for way too long. Oh weee what do we have here, a hint of green, a touch of fungi....ingrown hair, flaking pixels...

But I'm back! And that is what's important, yes?

Long story in point form-ish;
  • Work got pretty busy at one point, but now my project is winding down, I'm starting to be freed up a little. Am in discussions to start a new role. I've been offered something that I'm really keen on, so am hoping all goes well and according to plan! Will update when I have something confirmed.
  • Coke (my cat) has gotten REALLY BIG now. He's bigger than his mother. I really need to update and post up some new pictures and videos. Sadly, read next bullet point...
  • MY CONDO UNIT IN DAMANSARA PERDANA GOT BROKEN INTO! Yes. Oh my god indeed. This happened yesterday (Saturday, 14th March). I left the house at 11.30am to go to a friend's wedding with Eema and Muna. We returned around 2.30pm, after which we opened the cafe. I then left to The Curve and Tesco to run a quick errand. Returned at around 4pm, ate and chit chatted with Kelly at the cafe, and then decided to head upstairs to my condo to change out of my baju kebaya. Came out of the elevator, saw that the locked + bolted grill leading into my kitchen had been PRIED OPEN. Had sinking feeling, called Muna to stay on phone whilst I check the house out. Went into the house, saw that my bedroom door was ajar (I always keep it shut). Walked into bedroom, held back tears because my beloved Newton (my Macbook Pro's name) was GONE. Also stolen were my Sony digital camera (an old camera but I LOVE IT TO DEATH), and a white gold+diamond bracelet Mummy bought me :( So yes, I is very very very sad. All my prized memories, captured in pictures and videos, stored on Newton... all GONE.

Soundtrack: Jimmy Eat World - Bleed American
Mood: Bummed and missing my laptop + camera very muchly
Location: Hoxe's Cafe
Random thought: Screw the person who stole my stuff, may you slow burn in the hell of all hells