Sunday, June 22, 2008

Family Tree

A few weekends back my mom, along with her cousins, organized a huge family reunion to gather 5 generations of family members traced back to my Great-Grandfather, Abdul Rahman (who was Javanese and came to settle in Malaysia in 1911... which makes me only 3rd-generation Malaysian!) and his wife Maimunah. The gathering was great, I had fun and got to meet all my distant relatives.

One of the agendas (yes, we had an agenda!) of the gathering was to have each family 'clan' present their family tree. Clans were grouped by the children of Abdul Rahman and Maimunah. My family fell under the "Talha" clan (Talha is my grandfather, son of AR&M), and instead of doing a dry powerpoint presentation to showcase our family, my uncle created this video instead

Soundtrack: The Dreadful Yawns - November Nights
Mood: Too lazy to complete the pile of Kerang-related work I need to do

Location: Hoxe's
Random thought: If an entire world of Superheroes exist, would they make movies and television series about normal people?

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Nothing Intelligible

You know that famous phrase, "See you later, alligator!" ?'s the Trimontel's take on more juicier versions:

See you later, masturbator!
After a while, pedophile!
So long, sotong!
So long, sexy thong!
Tata, pornstar!
Adios, speedos!
Adios, dildos!

.... and more to come as and when inspiration occurs.

Soundtrack: Ben Kenney - Girl
Mood: Tired and just a tad moody from the flu
Location: In my bedroom in Shah Alam, which I haven't slept in in months and months
Random thought: I think this post is random enough as it is