Thursday, September 4, 2008

High tension at High Commission

I've just reached the office after a somewhat distressing experience at the High Commission of Pakistan in KL. I had to go there to apply for a business visa, as the next project I'll be working on is for Pakistan and the first trip will be to Karachi in October.

I'm already nervous about going as it is, based on colleagues who tell me of their experiences whilst they were there, and from current news. The 'preview' I had this morning didn't help diminish my anxiety. As soon as I walked into the tiny, musty and hot room I thought, "ohhh no...". I stood there motionless for a while as I processed the fact that I was one of only 2 females in a room of about 40-50 men, majority of which were Pakistanis; the other female was a Chinese lady who was there with her husband and child. The rest of the men there all stared at me throughout the whole time I was there. I've never felt so uncomfortable in my life!!

If only I had known it was like that, I'd have asked one of my guyfriends or Baba to accompany me. But then I thought, oh well.. I was there already anyway, might as well get it over and done with. I proceeded to take a number from the counter, but the ticket machine was off. I looked around for someone to help me, and the sole security guy there told me "No number. Just line-up or sit down" and I'm like... wha...?

I decided to try and 'line-up' in the queue, but hardly anyone else seemed to notice that there was a line in the first place. The men were simply cutting queue, brushing and pushing against once another and being very LOUD about trying to get to the front and have their papers processed. After only about 15-20 minutes of timidly standing there trying not to make physical contact with these people, I gave up the idea of lining up and went to sit on one of the chairs.

I waited... and waited... an hour passed. Thankfully I brought reading material. The situation near the counter didn't change, still a lot of shoving and general chaos. I got up and asked the guard again, perhaps if I come tomorrow the numbering system would work. He told me don't leave, sit down. I sat back down and continued to read whilst trying my darndest to ignore the men leering around me.

It wasn't until it was 12pm (and I was getting restless that this would NEVER end and I'd end up being stuck in there forever never to step on Malaysian soil again), that I finally got a glimpse as to the 'system' they had over there:

The guard started shooing everyone else, asking them to leave the premise and indicating that the counter was now closed for processing for the day. Chaos continued as the men made a LOT of noise, generally unhappy they were being chased out. This took some 10-15 minutes to settle. Finally when the place was empty, quiet, the air was clear for me to breathe again, and I was confused as to whether I had to leave too when the guy at the counter stood up, looked at me and said "Malaysian Passport? Ok now you come" and proceeded to take my documents and process my visa application.

So here are my tips to any other Malaysian females out there who might have the unfortunate need to get Pakistani visas done:
  • Don't go alone. Bring a big/confident/strong MAN with you. This will serve two purposes; to help do the pushing and shoving to get to the counter, and to give deadly stares back at those leering at you
  • If you DO have to go alone, don't bother going early. Just arrive at around 11.30am, tell the guard you have a Malaysian passport, sit, read, and wait for the place to close
  • Once everyone else gets shoved out by the guard at closing time, you will have a clear passage to the counter where the person behind it will treat you as if you are beneath him, ask you questions in a condescending tone and making you feel belittled, but hey at least you get your visa processed.
That's just my experience at the embassy.... ooh boy I can't wait for the real country. My friend Wee Kee didn't help much by forwarding me this article when I reached the office and told him of what had happened. *meep*

Soundtrack: House, Season 2 Episode 19 playing on my second monitor
Mood: Semi-freaked out
Location: Office cubicle
(Not so)Random thought: Maybe there'll be a travel advisory against going to Pakistan in the next couple of weeks and I end up having to cancel my trip :P


Anonymous said...

Maaan, experiences like that would creep me out too. I think you got more guts that me when I was your age. I would have left as soon as I noticed the lack of women in the place.

I don't envy you at all going to Pakistan. It's one of the countries on my "Places I don't care to visit" list. The food might be awesome though!

Arty Farty said...

no much difference from the Pakistan Embassy here in Singapore...

Anonymous said...

Hahaha! This is funny! And yeah, you should cancel your trip. Go elsewhere! :)

Fizzy Fizah said...

one2zom @ MakTeh: Trust me I wanted to leave! But that would mean coming back a second time, and once was enough... so I thought, might as well just wing it. Heheh! As for the food... I'll let you know once I've had a taste k ;)

arty farty: Really? Wow... I guess that's just the way it is eh.

pholenfrometry: I wish I could cancel! Sadly the decision isn't mine to make...